Business Registration and Incorporation

  • Business Registration and Incorporation

    AJE will help you to decide on the appropriate investment vehicle or business structure you want to register, whether it is a sole proprietor , partnership or corporation.  We will assist you in the business registration and incorporation procedures.  

    We will help register your business with concerned government regulatory agencies, such as the Securities and Exchange Commission, Department of Trade and Industry, the Bureau of Internal Revenue, the Local Government Unit, the Social Security System and the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas.

  • Registration for Foreign Companies

    AJE can help foreigners or foreign companies who wants to do business in the Philippines to determine the appropriate business structure.  Foreigners can register as a domestic corporation or Branch Office.

    Foreigners who will engage in export of goods or services can be 100% foreign-owned and may avail of the business incentives appropriate for exporters (i.e., income tax holiday, VAT free purchases and importation).  However, evaluation is needed to qualify for incentives  (amount of investment) and registration with Philippine Economic Zone Authority (PEZA ) or Board of Investment (BOI ) is required.

  • Business Registration and Incorporation

    AJE will help you to decide on the appropriate investment vehicle or business structure you want to register, whether it is a sole proprietor , partnership or corporation.  We will assist you in the business registration and incorporation procedures.  

    We will help register your business with concerned government regulatory agencies, such as the Securities and Exchange Commission, Department of Trade and Industry, the Bureau of Internal Revenue, the Local Government Unit, the Social Security System and the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas.

  • Registration for Foreign Companies

    AJE can help foreigners or foreign companies who wants to do business in the Philippines to determine the appropriate business structure.  Foreigners can register as a domestic corporation or Branch Office.

    Foreigners who will engage in export of goods or services can be 100% foreign-owned and may avail of the business incentives appropriate for exporters (i.e., income tax holiday, VAT free purchases and importation).  However, evaluation is needed to qualify for incentives  (amount of investment) and registration with Philippine Economic Zone Authority (PEZA ) or Board of Investment (BOI ) is required.